Don't think it, Ink it!
Don't Think It.... Ink It! While reading the heading, (Don’t Think It…Ink It!) what came into your mind first? Probably writing, right? Whenever we are getting bored, what do we do? Well…I go straight to Mumma and chant the same word again and again- “Bored. Boored! Booored!!” That’s how I am, but guess what Mumma says? One word. More like a spell. And THAT spell possesses my lazy, good-for-nothing side and brings to front the creative author in me! Guess the word… Write This one thing can easily make any stress, tension, problem or anything that troubles you vanish in the blink of an eye. Like I said before…. it’s a spell! Why to complicate things when you can just pen them down? Why overthink it? Just as the topic says- Don’t Think It, Ink It!