

A little nod would do
A hello even better
Just tell me you know me
You know that I am here
It's weird to walk on a crowded street
And feel all alone
It's sad to have no one to talk to
Because no one sees me, you know?
I visit the ones below quite often
It's good to know they're there
But it's sad they don't know me
They don't know I am still here
Death was peaceful
Better than life
To become a ghost, I strive
I smile
And shed some tears
Different emotions arise
As I stand with the ones who cared
I stand as a ghost
In front of a coffin
Where my own body lies
With my heart, for which I cared the most
Underground it goes
A spirit rises up
The cries and screams fade
As I make my way to God
Or where Hell is made
I know not my fate
But I very soon will
As the gate to afterlife draws closer
And the Game Of Life is now, over.


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